Our current offer
Dear real estate agent!

Latest news:
Sellers interviewed by us do not think that getting a high price for their property is the most important thing any more.

The real estate sales trend of 2014 is: Rapid selling

Our training centre has developed a rapid sales technique, that really works. This technique is based on the best operational guidelines and sales techniques, used in 73 countries.
Our course is bringing fresh blood into the real estate industry!
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Let me offer you our services, as we can teach you our world-wide unique technique that helps to highly improve your success rate in the real estate business.
Our training is based on the knowledge, analysis, influence and modification of human thoughts, reactions, measurements, decisions, goals and intentions.

Our students simply call it the psychology of the real estate business.

We think, that without the knowledge we offer it is impossible to be effective and successful, as normally we do not know what clients think.
Based on observing techniques used in 73 countries we can safely say, that real estate agents do not even know what the real goal or meaning of the real estate industry is, or how to recognize a real buyer or seller.
They do not know what marketing really means, therefore their advertisements – wrongly – include only parameters and some information.
The success rate of their showings is only based on chance and they do not even know, that failed business happens because of them.
Our students will learn about the real estate industry from a completely different angle.
From the perspective of human thinking.

How effective can this be?

Agents trained by us can make a sale with only 2-4 showings, instead of the average rate of 25-30 showings.
There is almost no real estate that participants of our course could not sell.
Agents trained by us will understand that success is not based on the property, the area or the market conditions, it is only based on their hard work, the quality of their work, and their knowledge and actions.

Our course can be taken as a 2-day training in person, or online.
We have a full money back guarantee. If you do not learn new and useful information during our training, we will refund you the price of the course.

Further information about our company:

Our Agency was established in 2002 in Hungary, and is currently offering real estate agent and sales courses in 40 countries with the most efficiently working, self developed technique around the world.
This technique was developed from more than 200 different courses by its owner and instructors.
(Communication, team building, statistical management, administrative management, sales management, forms of success in business, ethics, goals and objectives, corporate consultation, business and personal state surveys and handling, art courses, marketing, development of efficiency in Public Relations (PR), recognition and treatment of human emotions and reactions, analysis and understanding of behavior and thinking, mood analysis and improvement, principles of financial success, management, efficient learning, successful relationship trainings, etc…)
We have shared our technique through approximately 300 courses, and our students managed to achieve incredible success.
Our soon to be 40 people team is going to be able to provide courses in every developed country.
Based on our experience, by getting the knowledge we offer months before the competition, you can have incredible advantage.

It would be a great pleasure to share this knowledge with you, or your team!

For further information in your language, please get in contact with our local staff member.

Károly Büki

Büki Károly
Chief Instructor/Trainer